Deuteronomy 6:6,7 And these Words which I am commanding you today shall be in your heart and you shall impress them upon your children, and speak of them when you sit in your house, and when you walk by the way, and when you lie down, and when you rise up.

Welcome to

Beit Shamesh

the house of the servant

Welcome to Beit Shamesh the House of the Servant

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This internet website is dedicated to the restoration of  YHWH’s Torah in the lives of my brothers and sisters and is intended to be a resource and not a substitution for ministry. This website as part of the ministry of Beit Shamesh in general is maintained by Rob Lehr.

Beit Shamesh, What does this mean?

Beit Shamesh is a transliteration of the Hebrew words Beit Shamesh When ‘translating’ into English a written language that does not use the same characters as the English alphabet it is know as transliterating. While the Hebrew words  Beit Shamesh have the meaning ‘House of the Servant’ they can written in the transliterated form many different ways. Beit ‘house’ could be transliterated into written English as Beth, Bet, Bayit and Beit and the pronunciations can vary as well, just as different regional dialects within the United States can bring differing pronunciations to English words. I prefer to use Beit and pronounce it as ‘bait’. Shamesh meaning servant and sometimes caretaker also has different transliterations and is most often found as either shamesh or shamash. It is most often recognized as the servant candle on the Hanukkah menorah that is used to light the other candles. I prefer to use shamesh and pronounce it as sha-mesh. The Hebrew word Shemesh has the meaning ‘sun’ and is transliterated into written English as shemesh not to be confused with shamesh or shamash. Bet Shemesh is a city in the Jerusalem district in Israel, the city fathers recognize Shemesh as the official transliterated spelling, and the meaning of the name is ‘the House of the Sun’.

Again let me welcome you to Beit Shamesh, the House of the Servant, and tell you about myself. My name is Rob Lehr, my address is in the United States in the state of Pennsylvania. I began to understand the salvation of YHWH in the fall of 1975 while working as a high school senior in a service station. My employer, Len Headley would entertain me daily with bits and pieces from Scripture and in a short time YHWH's word was as a hammer breaking the rock into pieces (Jeremiah 23:29), that rock of course was my heart. Over the years I have had good times and plenty of bad ones and thankfully all things work together for good (Romans 8:28) bringing me to the place in my life where I now stand.

I want this website to be a place of encouragement by testimony of the great things YHWH is doing in the lives of those who are obedient to His instructions. As we understand our purpose and the almighty Elohim that we serve, we will see that nothing is impossible to those that believe He is and He is a rewarder of those that seek Him! Anybody can accomplish the things He calls us to do.

I welcome anyone to join me for the monthly scripture study at Beit Shamesh and experience the joy of ministry as the Messiah intended. Contact me for dates and itineraries and get ready for a life changing experience serving YHWH by touching lives with fresh bread, clean water, an unfailing oil and an unending love, face to face, heart to heart and life to life.

This internet website is not meant to be your one stop place for all of your spiritual answers. There are particular areas of study that are presented here. These studies are just guides and reference material to help you in your own personal study of Scripture. Don’t let anyone be your authority other than the Messiah himself. Within His word there is something for everyone, there are parts that He has shown me in great detail, while there are parts that He has shown you. When we come together and share these things, we grow. Instead of looking at the things we do not agree on lets look at the things we do agree on. In my ministry I spend a lot of time teaching on point of view and purpose, while others may teach about relationships and family. Lets be faithful to what we are called to as individuals and not judge one another out of a lack of understanding.

Within the website there are pages on different subjects, Torah, salvation, discipleship, prayer, the set-apart spirit, Scripturally correct calendar, photos and others.  Included is Maimonides outline of his interpretation and list of 613 commandments by category and also the 613 are presented chronologically with links to where you can read them in scriptural context in various translations and different languages. It is important to know that these are teachings from tradition and not from Scripture. They are here only for reference to understand rabbinical teaching and in no way am I suggesting that these be followed as Scriptural Truth. This is not a hidden attempt at Judaizing. Remember, there is no substitute for your own studies, read the Scripture, pray and ask YHWH to reveal His truth to you.

And of course if you have any questions or comments go to the contact page, I would like to hear from you.

Grace and peace,

Rob Lehr

He is YHWH my Elohim, He has brought me out of the house of sin. I will not put any mighty ones in YHWH's face. I will not make any images or idols and bow down to them. I will not bring the Name of YHWH to naught. I will remember the Sabbath and set it apart.  I will honor my father and mother. I will not murder. I will not commit adultery. I will not steal. I will not bear false witness. I will not covet.